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About MadKudu

MadKudu helps revenue teams work smarter by focusing on only the important signals within the customer journey. We tell you who to talk to, when to talk to them, and what to say so your actions have a direct impact on revenue.

About the integration

MadKudu turns Gong Engage into a one stop shop for prospecting. Sellers no longer need to switch between multiple tools to send relevant outreach to the right prospects. MadKudu provides actionable account intelligence directly in Gong’s platform to arm sellers with the context they need to prospect effectively.


Get everything you need to know about your prospects in one place

Instead of yet another tool for reps to log into, MadKudu’s integration with Gong Engage provides actionable account intelligence directly in Gong’s platform. Get everything you need to talk to buyers, all in one place.

Contextualize your outreach with actionable insights

MadKudu gives sellers a 360-degree view of your prospects. Get a clear picture of a prospect’s journey through different interactions: website visits, product activity, content downloads, webinar attendance… but also tech installs and job postings, without having to leave Gong Engage.

Quickly identify the right prospects + add them to Gong flows

With MadKudu, identify which contacts are most engaged and likely to influence the buying decision, then add them to a Gong Flow in just one click.

How to Connect

As a Gong Tech admin and a MadKudu Admin,

  1. Log into MadKudu Admin Console
  2. Navigate to Integrations then click Gong
  3. Click Connect Gong – This will open an authorization pop-up.
  4. Click Allow

That’s it! 😎

Any Gong Engage and MadKudu user can now view MadKudu tab in any Account and Pipeline in Gong Engage and add prospects to Gong Flows from MadKudu.


Do I need a Salesforce account to use MadKudu in Gong?


Do I need Gong Engage to use MadKudu with Gong?

You’ll need Gong Engage to view MadKudu directly in Gong and to add prospects to Gong Flow. If you don’t have Gong Engage you’ll be able to use MadKudu Chrome Extension on Gong so your reps don’t need to go into Salesforce