BGV France is a management company accredited by the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) under the number GP-20230015.

  • Registered name: BGV France
  • Registered office: 4 Rue Jules Lefebvre 75009 Paris, France
  • Email address: [email protected]
  • RCS (Trade and Company Register) number: 915 242 069 R.C.S. Paris
  • AMF (French Financial Market Authority): GP-20230015
  • Director of publication: Sarah Benhamou

The content on the website – including logos, trademarks, photos and other original material – should not be reproduced without prior written consent. The site may include links to other websites as a convenience. We do not make any express or implied warranties with regard to the information, material, products, or service that are contained on or accessible through linked sites.

Customer Complaints Handling Procedure 

BGV France has implemented and maintains an operational procedure in order to quickly and efficiently process complaints made by its clients. Any complaint may be referred to BGV France, 4 Rue Jules Lefebvre 75009 Paris, France,  or by e-mail: [email protected]. The management company will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within a maximum of ten working days from the date it was received, unless a response has been issued to the client in the intervening period. Except in duly justified exceptional circumstances, a response will be issued to the client within two months of receipt of the complaint.

In the event of an ongoing dispute, the client may contact a mediator, such as the AMF Ombudsman, at the following address:
Autorité des marches financiers – Madame Marielle Cohen-Branche – Médiateur de l’AMF, 17 place de la Bourse, 75082 Paris Cedex 02.

The AMF mediation request form at the Mediation Charteur is available online at www.amf-france.org.

Shareholder engagement policy

In accordance with Article I of L. 533-22 of the Monetary and Financial Code, and the European Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 231-2013 of December 19, 2012, the Management Company has written a “Shareholder Engagement Policy” as detailed in Article R533-16.

This policy aims to specify:

  • How strategy, financial and non-financial performance indicators, risks, capital structure, social and environmental impact, and corporate governance are monitored at BGV France.
  • Dialogue with the portfolio companies. 
  • Exercise of voting rights and other rights attached to shares. 
  • Cooperation with other shareholders. 
  • Communication with relevant stakeholders. 
  • Prevention and management of actual or potential conflicts of interest. 
Discover our Shareholder Engagement Policy here
Conflicts of Interest

As an asset management company, BGV France (hereinafter “the Company”) is required to take all reasonable measures to detect, identify, treat, and resolve conflicts of interest situations in order to act exclusively in the interest of its funds (and delegations) and its unit holders.

An extract of the internal procedure regulating conflicts of interests can be viewed here